If you can't bring the artist home; clone the performance! ArtistCloner; cloning audio experiences!
New speaker for 2024
New speaker for those that want very high performance with a relatively small footprint in a design that is truly awe inspiring. This model is a floor standing open frame, steampunk style speaker featuring world class Scanspeak drivers for the mid bass and an the highest quality AMT driver for the high frequencies in an MTM configuration with a series crossover. With some hard work we intend to show this speaker at the Montreal Audio Fest this year (2024). I think that there will be many adjectives pronounced when people see this speaker.....
We are back! November 2022
After being quiet during the Covid "thing" WE ARE BACK! Actually we were there just being quiet and making new products. The ETHER loudspeaker is a new breed of speakers based on the earlier models but with updated drivers (sliced paper woofer and Beryllium dome tweeter in a 2.5 configuration. Really liking the sonic qualities that 2 way speakers have but wishing for more impact and bass is a secret wish list for most. Isn't this the number one complaint for speakers? It sure is. Some install subwoofers to compensate but most of the time it is really hard to get great coherency overall with subwoofers. The 2.5 comes to the rescue and keeps things coherent. We have the openness and disappearing act that two way speakers are known for with this deep bass foundation that is to die for. Crisp crystal clear highs are in step with the mids that are totally seducing and expansive.
We had a chance to show these off at the Café audiophile in Mirabel (Facebook link HERE). There was also two reporting magazines PMA Media and TED Magazine and their first impressions of this system setup with the Ether speaker. A very large room of 20X24X9 feet with no sound treatment (coming soon I am told) and these speakers filled this room easily with two 50 @8, 100W@4 and 200@2 ohms Coléo Mono Blocks. We also introduced A class A tube preamp with no feedback that will be marketed for 2023. We will be at the Montreal Audio fest in 2023, room 2346. Please stop by and see us.
We had a chance to show these off at the Café audiophile in Mirabel (Facebook link HERE). There was also two reporting magazines PMA Media and TED Magazine and their first impressions of this system setup with the Ether speaker. A very large room of 20X24X9 feet with no sound treatment (coming soon I am told) and these speakers filled this room easily with two 50 @8, 100W@4 and 200@2 ohms Coléo Mono Blocks. We also introduced A class A tube preamp with no feedback that will be marketed for 2023. We will be at the Montreal Audio fest in 2023, room 2346. Please stop by and see us.
Montreal 2019 Audio fest!
We were present at the 2019 Montreal audio fest room 2346. We presented a very simple system comprised of a prototype music server, the upgraded Scorpi amplifier, Rebel reference speakers, Pteros power bar and all ArtistCloner cables. Out of five picks internationally, we were the only Canadian company chosen. Reviews here.
Toronto Audio fest 2018!
We were present at the Toronto Audio Fest and what a show it was! Again we got praise from the press and public alike which can be viewed on the REVIEW page. Because of this super reception we will offer the ArtistCloner audio system of the Toronto Audio Fest with a plus value added. With the purchase of the system Sylvio Comtois will spend a weekend day and go to your audio room to set up the system to spec. Don't wait as this offer will end December 21st! Contact us for more information.
We were present at the big Rocky Mountain Audio Fest! For more information visit our Facebook page with pictures and videos.
Reviewed in the french magazine ted!

Bench test of the SCORPI integrated amplifier and the REBEL REFERENCE speakers!
The September/October 2018 issue
Classica 2018 in St-Lambert
Present at Classica 2018 in St-Lambert. Pictures available soon.
The new scorpi 2018 has arrived! - june 2018
New thicker casing, more powerful reserve capacity, OCC wiring for all signal carrying wires, new grounding strategy that results in lowered noise floor, Nickel plate finish, high capacity dual ultrafast soft recovery rectifying diodes and many more features. This amplifier has redefined audio performances and get the emotion of the music flowing. More information is available here.
New products on their way for 2018 - Nov 2017
Mono block amplifier, upgraded Digital Station, redesigned Rebel speakers, OCC interconnect and a very special power distribution product with switchable DC blocking
TED Magazine Interview (french) - September 2017
Festival Classica 2017 - May 22 2017
Nous serons présents au Festival Classica le 2, 3 et 4 juin à St-Lambert.
We will be present at Festival Classica on june 2nd, 3rd and 4th in St-Lambert.
We will be present at Festival Classica on june 2nd, 3rd and 4th in St-Lambert.
Improved REBEL - May 21 2017
As I can't stay idle with improvements I am now improving the REBEL speakers. They will have higher resolution and even better timing. They will also sport new highly durable color finish that should fit in any decor.
After Montreal Audio Fest Show thoughts
Wow what another amazing weekend! Totally off the top and exciting! Again our crew had the pleasure of being invaded by wave after wave of mentions of excellence. Thank-you to all who came and enjoyed the great time with us.
Venez assister samedi le 25 mars, à l'hôtel Bonaventure au défi d'un artiste VS le système de son ArtistCloner! Chambre 2346.
Montreal Audio Fest 2017 - January 2017
Unveiling of a new reference speaker The REBEL and the SCORPI inegrated amplifier for 2017. Details will follow of this great product.
Updated speaker measurements - July 9 2016
Volume remote now included with preamp - May 27 2016
We now include a remote volume control for the Ascent preamplifier at the same selling price and upgraded audio path resistors.
More show reviews added! - April 26 2016
Enjoy the music SSi 2016 just added!
Sell-off! - March 28 2016
A new section for great prices on demo products or prototypes that will not go to market for one reason or another. These are great products and we only sell what is good and not our waste basket. Sell-off! page.
Integrated amplifier in the works March - 27 2016
After popular demand, work has started on the design of an integrated amplifier. This being a one box design will bring cost down and give approximately 80%-85% of the performance of the Ascent Mono Blocks as seen at the Montreal SSI 2016.
We strive at bringing the best value for our quality products and will continue to do so. Due to fortunate circumstances ArtistCloner has reduced its prices over all. For those who have bought at the old pricing will either get a reimbursement of the difference or a credit towards future purchases. You will be contacted if you are in this category. Good news for the working music lover!